Who we are?
Patrick Praet has studied law and philosophy at the University of Ghent, then European law at the Free University of Brussels.
He has been a lawyer since 1992 and has experience in a wide range of areas, including public procurement, private international law and contract law.
Before establishing his own firm in Wetteren in 2002, he worked in law firms in Brussels and Ghent.
Assistant at the Faculty of Law in Ghent (1993-1999) and contractual teacher at the University of Tartu in Estonia (1998-2024).
Working languages are Dutch, French, English and German. Basic knowledge of Italian.
Legal areas
To the classic question "What do you specialise in?", our answer is "Specialisation is good, but the big picture is better". Litigation is often at the intersection of several disciplines. For example, a divorce (family law) may involve other elements: for example, violence between partners (criminal law), company assets (company law), money abroad (tax law) and a partner registered as an employee (employment law). And so it began...
So we don't like to use the term specialist, but it's clear that there are certain types of business that we handle more than others.
The company's current 'centres of gravity' are as follows:
Liquidation - division of assets following death (inheritance) or divorce
Legal disputes with the government, particularly in relation to building permits
(international) Contractual disputes between companies
Traffic cases before the Police Court
Each file always begins with a personal interview (see The legal obligation to identify) and an estimate of planned expenditure.
In principle, we work on the basis of an hourly rate depending on the type of case. This rate is set out in a preliminary agreement.
Advances are used systematically.
As a matter of principle, so-called "Pro Deo" or pro bono cases are not accepted.
We'll be happy to direct you further to find an appropriate lawyer.
Why choose Patrick Praet?
Just as there are no more bad cars on the market in 2024, there are really no more incompetent lawyers, although this stereotype used to be widespread in literature (see The Bolleken by Cyriel Buysse or the TV-Series Better call Saul).
But, of course, there will always be individual differences in terms of temperament, availability and so on.
We like to think that we score well in terms of personal approach and common sens.
By appointment only.
Legal notices
Our professional liability is insured for up to 2,500,000 euros per case under a collective policy issued by the Flemish Bar Association. The insurer is Amlin Europe NV, Koning Albert II-laan 9, 1210 Brussels.
For larger files, additional policies are taken out on an ad hoc basis.
The disciplinary authority is the Orde van Advocaten (Bar Association) of Dendermonde, Justitieplein 1, 9200 Dendermonde.